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Meet The Chef


Chef Tomara Harrold’s culinary roots began in St. Louis, Missouri in her grandmother’s backyard garden. That garden brought forth much more than just leafy green vegetables, sweet juicy fruits, and ripe rich berries. It was in that garden where the seed was planted that grew into a genuine passion for food and cooking. Chef Harrold started her adventures in culinary artistry at the early age of 8, when she began preparing cake icing in her mother’s  bustling bakery. Through the years, her natural gifts were cultivated in the kitchen, and transformed into culinary skill. From the childhood adoration of her grandmother, came her desire to take the love of food to a deeper level; the love of life.  As Chef Harrold began to explore different foods and cooking styles, she realized that not only nutrition, but also healing can be obtained through food.  Chef Harrold has dedicated the past 16 years to combining organic and sustainable ingredients into delicious, home-style recipes.  Her approach to cuisine is one that promotes balance, healing and holistic health.   From her love of life, and passion for cooking, was born the inspiration for  Mozen Organics & Catering Company, with the mission of promoting the balance between comfort cooking and nutritional healing.

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